Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Check Out This Good Evaluation Before You Purchase Omega Juicer 8006

I have tried out juicing use Jack Lalanne's juicer. Above 3 weeks I often tried it, however I didn't satisfy using it. So I did a ton of research and selected the Omega 8006

The very first factor I can tell you is this really is less noisy as the centrifuge juicer I tried (Jack L juicer). The sound is similar to an aged hand mixer on low speed. 

The second factor clean up took less time and was easier. Primarily the elements are smaller sized so they are less complicated to scrub completely. You can find no awkward nooks & crannies where food can get stuck. The Omega 8600 clean up involves four main components. The (1) shoot the food comes down, (2) blade is genuinely a big plastic drill-bit looking factor, (3) the part which determines is the stuff you are grinding going to come out in juice form or a more solid form (such as pasta or banana yogurt!), (4) and finally the collector bins - either or both depending upon what you are doing. It takes more time for me to get the hot water going than the length of time it takes to do the clean up for the Omega 8006 Juicer

Preparation is a bigger deal than with other juicers since the opening is a lot smaller sized. Some carrots for example had to be cut in 4ths to get it down the shoot. As one reviewer said with another Omega model, it gives you time to think about what you are preparing. The liquid output appears bolder/brighter and without foam compared to the centrifuge juicer. 

It's funny, I do notice I pause before preparing my juice to ponder would this be just as good for me if I were to sit and eat the orange, apple and carrots versus putting them into this machine and blend them. What enhances my experience with juicing is definitely the other ingredients just like adding that bit of ginger - yum! When I was using the centrifuge, I figured more about generally if I had period to do the clean-up after. 

The appliance itself is sturdy. Having it in a place where you are able to add the ingredients easily rather than having it stuffed under the cabinet will enhance your access and being user friendly.  

I am Extremely happy with the Omega 8006. It was challenging to wait the 3 weeks - I'm typically a want it now buyer. Mine showed up a few days earlier. I filled my own time in cleaning out my refrigerator in getting ready to integrate juicing in my diet. 

Finally one bit of advice. No matter what type of Juicer you acquire - Clear UP right after you juice, drink after - clear initially! This prevents anything from WELDING to any components later. Happy Juicing!